
Accessibility statement



The website is managed by the Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation, which is based at SMHI. Therefore, SMHI is behind the website, and SMHI is the authority you should contact regarding the website’s accessibility. For more information on how to contact us, please refer to the section "Report issues."

How accessible is the website?

We are aware that there are sections of the website which lack in accessibility. See the section below regarding content that is not accessible for more information.

Content that is not accessible

This website partially complies with the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services, due to the issues described below. Our editors continuously publish and modify content, so individual pages may have issues that have not yet been discovered.

The following content is not fully accessible in one way or another:

  • Alternative text for images is missing to some extent. Efforts are being made to address this issue, and it should be resolved by June 1, 2025.
  • Language changes are not tagged in the code. Efforts are being made to address this issue, and it should be resolved by June 1, 2025.
  • PDF documents on this website are not accessibility-compliant. Efforts are being made to address this issue, and it should be resolved by June 1, 2025.

Report issues

If there are parts of the website you cannot use, or if you notice any other issues with the website’s accessibility, you can report this to SMHI. You can contact SMHI's customer service at phone number 011-495 82 00, but you can also email our registrar. You can also contact the registrar if you need content from that is not accessible to you.

Send an email to


The Swedish Agency for Digital Government is responsible for supervision of the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. If you are not satisfied with how we handle your feedback, you can contact the Swedish Agency for Digital Government and raise the issue.

Contact the Swedish Agency for Digital Government External link.

Website testing

We have conducted a self-assessment (internal testing) of The assessment was made on September 5, 2024.

We are continuously working to improve the website's accessibility. If you discover issues not described on this page, or if you believe we do not meet the legal requirements, please notify us so that we can address the problem.