



International efforts are currently being made to investigate the effects of climate change, with significant focus within the European Union (EU) as well as in other regions. Here are some examples of international organizations actively engaged in ongoing collaborative initiatives dedicated to climate adaptation.

Sweden are working within international frameworks to generate information and provide guidance on understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Adapting Europe: Strategies and Initiatives for a Climate-Resilient Future

In February 2021, the European Environment Agency unveiled the 'Forging a Climate-Resilient Europe' strategy, a key component of the Green Deal, with the goal of achieving a fully climate-adapted EU society by 2050.Focuses on three main objectives: making adaptation smarter, more systematic, and faster. This builds on the strategy from 2013, which was reviewed in 2018.

A number of initiatives have been put in place as part of the strategy's implementation:

  1. EU Mission on Adaptation: Prioritizes climate adaptation efforts in regions, cities, and communities in order to improve understanding of climate risks and test new ideas.
  2. European Climate and Health Observatory: A collaborative effort involving the European Commission and other organizations, aimed at aiding Europe in adapting to climate impacts on human health through information, tools, and fostering collaboration.
  3. Climate Risk Assessment: in May 2022, will evaluate current and future climate impacts and risks in Europe, including the environment, economy, and society. The project is expected to be completed in spring 2024, resulting in a comprehensive report and interactive data presentations.
  4. Local-Level Engagement: Since 2008, the Commission has managed the Covenant of Mayors initiative, which has included around 60 Swedish municipalities in local-level efforts to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.
  5. European Climate Law (2021): The European Climate Law emphasizes the need for Member States to strengthen adaptation activities, resilience, and implement comprehensive strategies and plans founded on robust climate and vulnerability analyses.

European Environment Agency

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is in charge of managing data on how climate change impacts Europe. Climate-ADAPT is an online portal they manage in collaboration with the European Commission. Climate-ADAPT contains data on climate change, vulnerability in various areas, and policies at various levels. It also provides climate-related reports from EU countries. The European Environment Agency (EEA) produces analyses, maps, and statistics on climate change adaptation throughout Europe. This is in line with the EU's goal for achieving a climate-resilient society by 2050. The EEA's work supports in understanding and planning for the effects of climate change.

Climate-ADAPT External link. External link.