
Park med barn och vuxna


Adaptation to a warmer, drier and wetter climate

The effects of climate change are visible already today. We need to adapt now
in order to meet the requirements of a changing world.

The latest news about climate change adaption


Get inspired and learn from others!
Discover the selection of cases on our website.

Learn more about how Sweden manage adaptation

Collaboration on different levels of society

Climate adaptation takes place at various societal levels and within different areas of responsibility. The information on these pages aim to explain the roles and regulations for climate adaptation, from local to global level.

Flygbild över kommun i Dalarna.

The municipalities are key players

At the local level, municipalities have a role in ensuring the well-being of their residents. This role includes various significant activities that are affected by climate change. Therefore, many municipalities have developed their own strategies for climate adaptation.

Inspiring examples from climate adaptation activities in Sweden

This is what we did and how we did it!

There is a lot that municipalities, companies and other organisations can do to adapt their operations and prepare for the effects of a changing climate. There are many good examples that offers inspiration in your further work with adaptaion measures.

On our website we have gathered a number of Swedish examples of climate adaptation actions. Take part in how others have done, learn more about climate adaptation, or get inspiration in your own work ahead.

Collecting rainwater in a bucket.

Broad initiative for smarter management of rainwater

Good practice in the management of water increases the ability to cope with cloudbursts. In one initiative, the public are encouraged to get involved in order to reduce the burden on the drainage network.

More examples from our cases collection
